Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Finally CAVED

We are the Dickinsons but since Mike (Mcdog) is our main man, it was the next best available name to describe us. I have finally broken down and do what I vowed never to do...create a blog (I also haven't broken the news to my wonderfuly hubby, Mike...maybe after tax season since he is a Tax CPA & incognito)! However, I have been terrible at keeping up on my scrapbooks and even WORSE at my journal writing. I am frantically watching the most endearing moments of my children's experiences fade away....without documentation. So, with that...I am going to document the little daily things in the blog & keep it for my records. Besides, if any of you knew Mike (Mcdog) in highschool, you know that he is quite the writer/poet. So maybe he will get into it eventually. Hopefully that means it won't bore those of you out there reading it...since it is for my lame effort at record keeping.